We are Latitude 39º5

In 1522, Juan Sebastián Elcano, a native of Getaria, was the first navigator to complete a round-the-world voyage: ‘Primus circundedisti me’.

In 2023, we Getariarras, like him, are committed to a more humble adventure: to make the round trip, to circumnavigate the Iberian Peninsula.

We started in 1964 with the landing of the grill on land at the ‘Elkano’, Getaria, latitude 43º 2'.

Then in 2016, ‘Cataria’ was born in Chiclana de la Frontera, latitude 36º 6′.

Coming recently to 2023 , date of birth of ‘Guethary’ in Mallorca, latitude 39'5.

All forward!